Freitag, 16. Juli 2010

Blogging, second variety...

Right, so it's time for another attempt at blogging. And obviously, I'm making this blog at work, and I have zero things to actually blog about, so how about a random news-bite?

It seems that they found the remains of a wooden ship while excavating ground zero in Manhattan(,1518,706793,00.html). Amazing. Or maybe not. The thing was most likely buried there on purpose some 200 years ago as landfill and now, rest assured, the US taxpayer is being billed hundreds of thousands of dollars for this "archeological" find.


Just do away with it and get on rebuilding the damned World Trade Center, or whatever else it is they want to build there. It's been nearly ten years since the attacks, and the US have kept this wound in the heart of their country open on purpose forever. Every time it seems like it could heal, some idiot tears it open again for frivolous reasons. The truth is though, for the past decade, the US needed this wound to be there. It had to be there to remind the sheep of the dreadful danger of terrorist attacks, to justify grabbing resources in the middle east.

The WTC is a prime example of hypocrisy at work and this may well turn out to become a central part of this blog. Hypocrisy is my pet peeve, because it's the most obnoxious obstacle for rational discussion. By not stating your true motives, you force your opponents to attack a straw man, which obviously makes for very poor debate.

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